

In order to provide general information to our clients and associates, we have undertaken to prepare a series of newsletters that generally reflect "environmental management issues" that are relevant to our client base.All of these documents have now been converted to .pdf format for easier downloading and printing by the end user. If you have any questions, comments or concerns about any of these documents, please do not hesitate to contact Pollutech technical staff or send your submission to our News Editor.We also welcome suggestions for future newsletters.

Description of Newsletter Contents
Volume 12. No. 1
Toxic Reduction Act and Toxic Reduction Plan (Reg 455/09), Reg 419/05 Schedule 5 Facilities
Volume 11. No. 1
Environmental Activity & Sector Registry (O. Reg. 254/11) Reg 419/05, Reg 455/09 Toxic Reduction Act
Volume 10, No.4
Reg 419/05, Reg 455/09 Toxic Reduction Act, Effluent Toxicity Testing
Volume 10, No.3
Oakville Air Quality By-Law, Greenhouse Gas Regulation (Reg 452/09)
Volume 10, No.1
Record of Site Condition (Reg 153/04), Toronto Environmental Reporting & Disclosure
Volume 9, No.2
TDG Act, WEEE Program, Domestic Substance List, Greenhouse Gas
Volume 9,No.1
NPRI & Reg 127 2008, Reg 419/05, Toronto Toxics Right To Know By-Law, Demand Response 3
Volume 5, No.3
Spill Prevention and Contingency, Reg 419/05, Jurisditctional Screening Levels
Volume 5, No.2
Reg 419/05, Asbestos, PCB's, Waste Audits, Indoor Noise
Volume 5, No. 1
Provincial Code Improvements (Reg.127)
Volume 4, No. 3
Enhanced Comprehensive Certificates of Approval (Air)
Volume 4, No. 2
Basic Comprehensive Certificates of Approval (Air)
Volume 4, No. 1
Volume 3, No. 3
Ontario Regulation 127
Volume 3, No. 2
Toronto (GTA) Sewer Use By-Law
Volume 3, No. 1
New NPRI Information for 1998 Reporting Year
Volume 2, No. 5
Proposed Spills Exemption Regulations
Volume 2, No. 4
MOE Proposes Hazardous Waste Management Cost Recovery Regulation
Volume 2, No. 3
New Fee Structures and Approvals Submissions (Air)
Volume 2, No. 2
Additional Voluntary 1997 Government Surveys
Volume 2, No. 1
Volume 1, No. 4
CEPA (Canadian Environmental Protection Act)
Volume 1, No. 3
Reporting Information for 1996 NPRI (National Pollutant Release Information)
Volume 1, No. 2
ISO 14000 Environmental Management Systems
For an up-to-date listing of all of the new Ministry of the Environment"Press Releases", please use the following link:

Ontario Ministry of the Environment News Releases