Stack Testing and Odour Testing
The Pollutech Air Pollution Group is equipped to measure and evaluate a wide variety of problems associated with air emissions from various sources, followed by professional interpretation of the results relative to abatement or product recovery. Examples of source monitoring programs conducted by Pollutech are shown below:
Isokinetic stack and duct sampling for particulate loadings and particle size distributions;
Stack and duct sampling for gaseous components;
Chemical analysis of the particulate fraction;
Ambient air surveys for dust, odour, fume, and gas concentrations;
Multi-stack surveys of manufacturing facilities;
Pilot scale testing of control systems for odorous gases, organics oxidation and particulate removal;
Provision of assistance with selection of emission control equipment;
Dispersion model predictions of the distribution of atmospheric emissions in the environment.
Our Air Pollution Group can undertake to provide routine services for compliance testing. Our specialty, however, is a "customized" service to provide the department head or plant manager with a unique testing program that can assist in the evaluation of product loss, recovery techniques, equipment alternatives and worker safety. Computer modeling services, using the latest MOE or EPA approved models, are available to assist the client in the prediction of atmospheric discharges and evaluation of control technologies.
Contact Us to discuss how Pollutech can help with your Stack Testing needs.
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