
Environmental Compliance Audits

A large number of corporations are becoming increasingly concerned with presenting the image of a "good corporate environmental citizen". To this end, a compliance audit is a key step to ensuring compliance with all federal, provincial or state and municipal regulations. Many of our international clients have completed compliance audits to ensure that their facilities will be in compliance with Canadian regulations prior to locating branch facilities in Canada or requesting financial assistance from any one of a number of IFI's (International Financial Institutions).

Pollutech has completed a large number of compliance audits for industries across Canada. The step-by-step process includes a preliminary review of background information, followed by identification of areas of concern through site visits and interviews with on-site facility personnel. Some of the tasks that are completed through the course of an audit are shown below. 

  • Conduct a records review of facility reports and documents;
  • Conduct a site investigation and conduct interviews with facility staff; 
  • Documentation of all process and contaminant discharges;
  • Review of existing applications and permits;  
  • Conduct a close out interview to identify any preliminary "findings" with facility staff;  
  • Preparation and issuance of a draft report; 
  • Preparation and issuance of a final report.

The audit is designed to provide a reliable evaluation of the environmental status of the facility.

Contact Us to discuss how Pollutech can help with your Compliance needs.